Tens of millions in record-setting verdicts
Beth Bloom is a dedicated employment trial lawyer who deeply believes in the power of jury trials to create real change. Is your case next?

When you’ve just been fired, suing your employer may be the last thing on your mind. Having your day in court falls far behind more pressing priorities like replacing lost income and regaining your equilibrium. We get it. Being fired from a job is emotionally devastating. The loss of your job can turn your world upside down.
But being fired because of who you are or because you stood up for what is right is never okay. Equal opportunity in the workplace is a fundamental value – one worth fighting for. And doing the right thing is always worth it. That’s why you need a lawyer who can combine compassion with an unrelenting pursuit of full justice. We fight for you and your family. And we fight for a better world for those who follow behind you. Because we all benefit from workplace equality.
We believe in juries. Juries create real change.
If you are ready to learn more, contact us and we’ll take it from here.
The jury returns. There is nothing more thrilling than the return of the jury after they have deliberated and are empowered to deliver a just result in your case. Our American democracy is based on the jury system. Jury verdicts do more than fully compensate employees who experience workplace discrimination and retaliation. Jurors are the law. They have the power to create equal opportunity for all of us. Jurors can elevate the voices of victims of harassment and retaliation. Jurors can create systemic change. Jurors can thwart discrimination by making it too expensive for employers to allow it to continue in the workplace.
Trials take courage. And they take skill.
A great trial lawyer makes complex events simple. A great trial lawyer makes the client’s experience come alive for the jurors. You deserve a great trial lawyer on your side.
Trials hold a community accountable to its principles. The jury trial is the best means ever devised to hold a community to its principles of justice and equality. A trial is essentially a form of story-battle. In the courtroom, each attorney will tell the jury a different story, call witnesses to support that story, and make arguments for what a just verdict looks like according to the viewpoint of their client.
We only take cases that are right and just.
As a result, we love trials and believe in juries.
Trial lawyers that make a difference. There are many good lawyers and law firms who help employees. Most employment attorneys do not regularly take cases to trial. Few have the record or reputation of Bloom Law for record-setting success at trial. We are not afraid to take our cases to trial. We are also honored to be invited onto the trial teams of other employment lawyers seeking exceptional results for their clients at trial. Our trial experience is what sets us apart. To get started contact us today.